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       All NILAC awards are based on an attendance rate per season.

Participation Award: Every child receives either a trophy or a participation medallion at presentation day.

Nilac recognises achievements throughout the season and at the completion of the season at our Presentation Day in April. 

* Tiny Tots - ALL Tiny Tots will receive an Attendance Trophy at Presentation Day as long as they have attended at least 50% of the season. If they have not competed at least 50% they will receive a participation medallion from the club instead. 

Please note only athletes who compete and participate in at least 75% of club meets from the date of their registration will be eligible to receive any of the following awards, gifts or presents from the club at Presentation Day.   


* Best in Age Trophy (point score) Award - U6-U17 Competitors results based on placing in events over the whole season.

* Runner Up Best in Age Trophy (points score) - U6-U17 Competitors results based on placing in events over the whole season.

* Age Improvement Award Medallion - Any athlete in each Age Group U6-U17 with the most Improvment Points / PB's 


* Encouragement Award - Awarded to a "trier" who shows "sportsmanship and determination". Is seen to be having a go at all events without winning a Points Score or Runners Up or any other Major trophy.

* Most Improved in the Club - Any U6-U17 Athlete with the most Improvement Points in the whole club. 

* Club Champion - Any Athlete U6-U17 who breaks the most records over the most events during the season.  

* State Athlete Recognition - A gift from the club awarded to athletes who competes at State Championships ( not just qualify) 

* Highest Achiever at State - Athlete who achieves highest placing in the club at State Championships.

* Senior Club Person - Awarded to any adult person who shows Club Spirit in running events or encouraging and coaching athletes. Contributor to the club above and beyond the normal call of duty. 

* Presidents Award - Awarded to any athlete in the club by the President.

All registered athletes that have not won a trophy in their age group will receive a participation medallion at presentation day. You must have competed 75% during the season or 50% for Tiny Tots. 

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